SIP & Mutual Fund Calculator | Invest in SIP | BajajCapital

SIP Calculator

Monthly investment




Expected return rate (p.a)




Time period




  • Invested amount
  • Est. returns
  • Invested amount:
  • ₹30,00,000
  • Est. returns:
  • ₹28,08,477
  • Total value:
  • ₹58,08,477

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Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a disciplined and hassle-free way to invest in mutual funds. It allows investors to regularly invest a fixed amount at predetermined intervals (such as monthly or quarterly) into a mutual fund scheme of their choice. The SIP Plan provides individuals with a disciplined approach to investing by spreading their investments over a period of time, regardless of market fluctuations. It enables investors to accumulate wealth gradually and benefit from the power of compounding. SIP offers the advantage of rupee cost averaging, automated investments, and the potential for substantial wealth creation over time.


How does the SIP Calculator work?

SIP calculator is a tool that helps investors estimate the potential returns and growth of their investments made through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). It takes the following inputs: monthly investment, expected return rate(per annum), and time period for the investment.

The SIP Calculator uses this formula:

M = P × ({[1 + i]^n – 1} / i) × (1 + i)

In this formula,

•  M is the amount you receive on maturity
•  P is the amount you invest at regular intervals
•  n is the number of payments that you'll make throughout the investment period
•  i is the periodic rate of interest i.e. rate of interest for the time period between two successive investments.

Let's consider an example to understand how an SIP calculator works:

Suppose an investor plans to invest ₹5,000 per month in a mutual fund SIP for a period of 10 years. The expected rate of return is assumed to be 12% per annum. Using a SIP calculator, the investor can input these details:

•  Investment Amount: ₹5,000
•  Investment Period: 10 years
•  Expected Rate of Return: 12% per annum

Based on these inputs, the SIP calculator will perform the necessary calculations and provide the investor with an estimate of the potential returns. In this example, after 10 years of investing ₹5,000 per month with an expected rate of return of 12% per annum, the SIP calculator would provide an estimated maturity amount of ₹11,61,695.

The SIP calculator takes into account the compounding effect of regular investments over time. It calculates the returns based on the specified investment amount, time period, and expected rate of return. By using the SIP calculator, investors can get an idea of the potential growth and evaluate the suitability of their investment plan. It's important to note that the actual returns may vary depending on market conditions and the performance of the chosen mutual fund scheme. SIP calculator provides an estimate and should be used for informational purposes only. Investors should consult with financial advisors and consider other factors before making investment decisions.


How Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Helps You Reach Your Financial Goals


Let's first understand how an SIP works?

Imagine you decide to invest ₹5,000 per month in a mutual fund through SIP. Here's how it plays out over a period of time:

Month 1: You invest ₹5,000. Let's say the mutual fund's net asset value (NAV) is ₹20. You purchase 250 units of the fund (₹5,000 divided by ₹20).

Month 2: You invest another ₹5,000. However, the NAV has increased to ₹22 this time. With the same investment, you can buy approximately 227 units (₹5,000 divided by ₹22).

Month 3: Your investment remains at ₹5,000, but the NAV has fallen to ₹18. This month, you acquire about 278 units (₹5,000 divided by ₹18).

Over time, this consistent monthly investment strategy ensures that you buy more units when the market is down and fewer units when it's up. This approach, known as rupee cost averaging, helps you manage market volatility and reduces the risk of investing a lump sum at the wrong time. As the mutual fund's value grows or falls, your investments continue to balance out, potentially resulting in significant wealth accumulation over the long term through the power of compounding.


Power of Compounding

When it comes to wealth creation, one of the most powerful forces at your disposal is compounding, and Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a fantastic tool that harnesses this force. Compounding is the process where your invested money earns returns, and those returns, in turn, earn more returns. It's often referred to as the "snowball effect" because, much like a snowball rolling down a hill, it gradually grows in size and speed.

Let's illustrate the power of compounding with a simple example.

Suppose you start a SIP by investing ₹5,000 every month with an expected annual return of 12%. After one year, your investment will grow to ₹61,940. After five years, it will become ₹4,67,446. And after ten years, your investment will have grown to a substantial ₹12,69,812. The compounding effect accelerates your wealth creation as time goes on.

In essence, the longer you continue your SIP journey, the larger your snowball becomes, and the more your wealth multiplies through the power of compounding. SIP acts as your consistent companion in this journey, ensuring you stay on the path to financial success. So, start your SIP today and let compounding work its magic for your financial future.


Shield Against Market Fluctuations

Investors often find themselves at the mercy of market volatility, leading to uncertainty and stress. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) offers a shield against these market fluctuations, providing a sense of stability and confidence in your investment journey. Market fluctuations are a part and parcel of investing. Stock prices rise and fall, driven by various factors like economic conditions, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. These fluctuations can make it challenging to predict the best time to invest, leading to apprehension and sometimes inaction.

To grasp how SIP shields against market fluctuations, consider the following example:

Suppose you invest ₹5,000 every month in a mutual fund through SIP. Here's how SIP handles various market scenarios:

Bull Market: When the market is doing well, your ₹5,000 may buy fewer units because prices are high. However, since you continue to invest the same amount, you acquire fewer units, but at a higher price.

Bear Market: In a bearish market, your ₹5,000 can buy more units because prices are low. You end up accumulating more units, but at a lower price.

Over time, as you navigate through market ups and downs, SIP ensures your investments are less vulnerable to sudden market shifts. Your investment journey becomes more consistent and less stressful, providing a protective shield against market fluctuations.


Automated Investments

Managing investments can be a time-consuming and often daunting task. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a smart solution that brings automation into your investment journey, making it easier, more convenient, and less stressful.

SIP simplifies your investment process through automation in the following ways:

1) Regular, Pre-Defined Investments: With SIP, you commit to investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, usually monthly. Once it's set up, your investments happen automatically, eliminating the need for manual decisions on when and how much to invest.

2) Automatic Deductions: SIP allows you to link your bank account to set up automatic deductions through AutoPay/E-mandate. Each month, your predetermined investment amount is debited from your account and directed towards your chosen investment, without you having to initiate the transaction.

Suppose you set up a SIP to invest ₹5,000 every month in a mutual fund. You link your bank account & setup AutoPay/E-mandate, then on a pre-determined date, ₹5,000 is automatically deducted and invested in your chosen fund. This process repeats every month, without you needing to intervene.


Top-up and Step-up SIPs 

Top-up SIP and Step-up SIP are advanced features that offers you the ability to automatically increase your monthly investment amount at predefined interval. 

Step-up SIP:

  • You decide to increase your investment by 10% every year.
  • After the first year, your monthly investment becomes ₹5,500.
  • After the second year, it's ₹6,050, and so on.

Top-up SIP

  • You decide to increase your investment by a fixed amount of ₹1,000 every year.
  • After the first year, your monthly investment becomes ₹6,000.
  • After the second year, it's ₹7,000, and so on.

Top-up and step-up SIPs are valuable strategies for investors looking to combat inflation and accommodate rising income. Beating inflation is crucial to preserving the real value of your investments over time. With these SIP variations, you can systematically increase your contributions, keeping pace with the rising cost of living. For instance, imagine starting a monthly SIP of ₹10,000, which might comfortably cover your expenses today. However, without adjustments, this amount may not be sufficient to meet your future financial needs due to inflation. A top-up SIP allows you to add, say, ₹1,000 every year, ensuring that your investments grow in line with rising prices. Furthermore, as your income grows, a step-up SIP enables you to incrementally boost your investments, for example, by 10% annually. These strategies empower your investments to remain relevant and effective in an evolving financial landscape, helping you secure your financial future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of investing through SIP?

Investing through Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) provides a host of benefits, including harnessing the power of compounding, which allows your investments to grow exponentially over time. SIP also incorporates rupee cost averaging, helping you buy more units when market prices are low and fewer when they are high, reducing the impact of market volatility. Additionally, SIP shields you from market fluctuations by investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, ensuring you don't have to worry about market timing. It offers automation, meaning your investments happen automatically, and it's both affordable and flexible, allowing you to start with a small amount and increase it as your income grows. SIP encourages financial discipline and consistency, fostering a long-term investment mindset, and is well-suited for long-term wealth creation.

How do I choose the right SIP ?

To choose the right SIP, start by defining your financial goals and assessing your risk tolerance. Select fund categories that align with your objectives, consider well-established fund houses, and analyze historical fund performance. Pay attention to fund expenses, sector allocation, evaluate the fund manager's expertise, and ensure the scheme's objectives match your goals. Keep an eye on tax implications, and regularly review and adjust your portfolio as needed.

How can I track the performance of my SIP investments?

Monitor your SIP performance using our app, keep a close watch on the fund's Net Asset Value (NAV) and performance. For a comprehensive assessment of your investments, feel free to reach out to your relationship manager or contact us at 1800-313-123-123. Remember, SIP is a long-term strategy, so stay focused on your financial goals and maintain discipline in your approach.

What is Rupee Cost Averaging in SIP?

Rupee cost averaging in SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is a strategy that involves investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, such as monthly. This approach is designed to buy more units of a mutual fund when prices are lower and fewer units when prices are higher. Over time, it averages the purchase price of your units, reducing the risk associated with trying to time the market. Rupee cost averaging is a disciplined and systematic way to invest, particularly effective in managing the volatility of equity investments. It encourages long-term investing and minimizes the impact of market fluctuations.
