Position Overlap
Identify how much overlap exists in your holdings to prevent redundant investments and optimize growth potential.
Over a period of time, we have developed a strong team of professionals who are experts in the financial domain. Our team embraces Certified financial planners, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Legal Experts, MBA’s and Economists.
We offer independent and impartial assistance through a dedicated Wealth Manager for you. Regular Need-based interactions take place with Fund Managers and other financial experts like Tax Experts, Estate Planners, etc.
Financial needs are not the same for every category of investor. Therefore we offer:
Regular events are conducted for you, to help keep you ahead in your finance game. Events include seminars, conferences, sessions by fund managers and industry experts.
Identify how much overlap exists in your holdings to prevent redundant investments and optimize growth potential.
Compare all your funds in one place, ranked and valued based on our models, to make smarter investment choices
Stay informed with the latest business and economic news, stock updates, and fund insights for smart decision-making.
Understand the relationships among funds to diversify intelligently and minimize risk exposure
Assess which sectors are performing well to make industry-aligned investment choices and make portfolio future proof
Get custom insights to adjust your portfolio and enhance performance with our expertly crafted investment models
Identify how much overlap exists in your holdings to prevent redundant investments and optimize growth potential.
Compare all your funds in one place, ranked and valued based on our models, to make smarter investment choices
Stay informed with the latest business and economic news, stock updates, and fund insights for smart decision-making.
Understand the relationships among funds to diversify intelligently and minimize risk exposure
Assess which sectors are performing well to make industry-aligned investment choices and make portfolio future proof
Get custom insights to adjust your portfolio and enhance performance with our expertly crafted investment models
Clients will be provided with an edge in the form of a Comprehensive Financial Plan, which will give an overall review of his current finances, asset allocation, and goal-based investments and risk management plan.
Quarterly Portfolio Review:
Ongoing Quarterly review will be done on the portfolio by the dedicated WM.
Clients will be provided with frequent Alerts/Triggers in order to keep them updated and will help the clients in making decisions with more conviction.
Educative Seminars:
Clients will be invited to various educative and Knowledge enhancing seminars where prominent experts will be called to share views on Markets and Investment opportunities.
Active Investment Services:
Clients shall be provided active Investment services on each asset class like Equity, Real Estate, Debt, Art, etc.